Thursday, July 6, 2017

Quitting Day 87 (Contributing)

2m 27d 0h

What is your contribution to bettering tomorrow? If your dreams were achieved would it better your life or the life of everyone around you or would it better the World as a whole? My dream that I reach for would better the world. I have other more selfish dreams that would only better my life that I attempt to ignore. Can we have both? Is it possible to make your life better and the World a better place at the same time?

I believe true betterment of your life will inherently better the World. Let's look at it this way if I get everything I want and everyone around me gets less. Is my life actually going to be better? I think not. Everyone will hate me. I may have a comfortable bed to sleep in and a nice car to drive and sure I'll get physical connection and fake love from a beautiful person that wants what I have, but that is not true intimacy. Wouldn't you rather be surrounded by people that enjoy your company and not the stuff you can give them? That when you have nothing will be there for you? That are there because they enjoy you? I will tell you that no matter your status you have something to offer the world. Everyone needs to be willing to accept their greatness and intimately know their weaknesses. By knowing where you lack you can find others that thrive in that area. Together as a team you can create something better and bigger than if you attempt to create something on your own.

Let's try doing this as a whole. Let pretend that America is a person. We'll name her Suzy. Suzy has a lot of great qualities. She's very good at taking charge. Suzy is very confident although she has a great portion of her that is let down by her actions and upset. She's wealthy and can fund very large projects. She has a great heart and wants to help the poor. Often Suzy is sluggish to get motivated or has a hard time making decisions. When it comes to taking care of her body she lacks. There are parts of her that a suffering very badly and often Suzy attempts to ignore this. If Suzy opened up to and talked to say Bob (Sweden) she may be able to improve her suffering body and she could offer help to Bob in return. Now Bob and Suzy are friends. Together they can work on helping other countries. Unfortunately just like most Suzy is unwilling to accept her weaknesses or even admit that she has any, so she goes around pretending to be an expert and that her path is the only path to follow. I think Suzy would find that if she was willing to accept her weaknesses that she could find assistance in improving her life and the lives of the other countries in the room (Earth). You see just like Suzy we all need help in areas. No one is amazing at everything.

Let's look at working together. Letting go of our pride when it comes to accomplishing something better. Let's work on uniting the world through being open. In that openness we will find that other countries are just like Suzy. That they are simply on a different path with different past experiences. Let's celebrate and love our differences. After all if every country was the same the world would be an extremely boring place. Let's respect and acknowledge that Bob also has feelings and is entitled to them. In this we will find peace. You may think this starts with Suzy, but Suzy is just a person. Just like you.

This begins with you. We often get caught up in a step toward our dream. We forget what we were working towards or we loss sight of that dream in our efforts to accomplish it. Yes we must take care of ourselves. Be happy and healthy, but true happiness can only be reached through acceptance of our shortcomings and our poor decisions. We will only learn when we let go of arrogance and realize that we all make mistakes and deserve forgiveness. That you deserve forgiveness and by forgiving yourself you will find that you can forgive the World. Then we can all live in a happier place. I guess I got off of subject as I always do, but this is my contribution to the World. I'm contributing my forgiveness to all of you. I'm spreading my arms wide open and welcoming you home.

I Love You All
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