Thursday, July 27, 2017

I am a Real Boy

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I am a Real Boy

If I don't exist what am I 
but an empty space inside a vessel 
filled with a culmination of your dreams, emotions, 
nightmares, fears, hopes, and ambitions

You fill me daily 
I a simple reflection of what exists within your spirit 
I've been filled with hatred, love, joy, pain, elation, lust 
amongst other feelings at times

I've tasted the metal of spilled blood 
I've longed to be filled with acceptance 
At times I burst forth with glory 
Other times I've grown dark from sadness

All flows through me 
as I stand in this position of existence and non existence 
I've been killed 
but I have never been born into the world you know

You see I drew the short straw 
to exist on the cusp of life for an eternity 
and watch as you played, fucked, hated, killed, raped, suffered 
and longed for a loving embrace

I've watched as you've grown intoxicated 
as you've become high beyond reason 
as you've attempted to block the gift 
I've longed for since I witnessed it

Life is pain 
and yet you attempt to be joyful at all times 
and are ungrateful for the gift of pain, the gift of anger,
the gift of jealousy and the gift of heart ache

The silly web weaved by your stoic approach to living 
you've tossed your life away 
in order to not feel truly alive 
to what end I ask you, to what end

I stand here a vessel 
to be filled by your emotions 
and I ask you to fill me fully 
no amount of light will fill me you must also fill me with darkness

For without darkness and light 
I will never be able to exist, 
but for now I stand here waiting for you to fill me 
with your dreams and the horrors of your reality

Give onto me your pains and joys 
so I may finally stand before you a man living a life

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