Thursday, June 15, 2017

Quitting Day 63 (The Entrepreneur Curse)

2m 6d 0h

I often get asked do you want to be your own boss. From having run a business for 14 years this statement is the biggest bull shit I've ever heard. Yes, the concept seems amazing. Set your schedule. Make lots of money. Don't answer to anyone. Run your business the way you want to. Make your own decisions. Live the dream my friends, but alas it is after all just a dream. You see when you own a business you can set your schedule, but you are never able to leave work at work. You think about the budget, marketing strategies, your to do list, invoices you need to collect, bills you have to pay, items that need to be order, jobs that need to be completed, how to train your employees better, so on and so on. These thoughts consume your every waking moment. I would often wake up in the night and think about numbers or ideas and wouldn't be able to return to sleep until I wrote them down. If you think a business owner answers to no one you have drank the koolaid or you are thinking of a business that isn't going to be successful. When you are a business owner your boss consists of your clients and your employees and your boss is fickle. You never know what you are walking into that day. If you are an employee you know what your boss is like and if you pay attention you know what to expect. A real entrepreneur has a bi polar boss with multiple personality disorder. The decisions of your business are dictated by your target market and they are unforgiving I promise you. There is no second chances, write ups or probation. There is only the business guillotine and you my friend are the head.

The money can be great and is a main reason most go down the path of the entrepreneur. Honestly if this is your reason turn back now. The money is inconsistent at best. You will eventually face hardships beyond that of personal finances. You will be buried under a mountain of debt at times that seems monstrous. The stress to money ratio is 1 to 1. The more stress you can handle the better you'll do. God forbid that stress breaks you and leaves you bleeding on the sidewalk of life for everyone to step on.

If your goal is to make the world a better place and help others. welcome you are a true entrepreneur. I hope you have people around you that see your vision and can fully get behind you. Your family will suffer from you being consumed by your business. Your love life will suffer. You will lose a lot of friends and family along the way. There may come a time when you are your only support. My advice keep your goal in mind. Remember what you are working toward. Learn to work with others. Build a network of likeminded people. Get a team. Know your weaknesses and gather a team that can make up for your short comings. Realize you are not the superman of the business world. No one is and no one can make this dream a reality without a collective team effort. Now go out there and change the world my friends.

I love you all

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