Monday, June 19, 2017

My First Public Speech

This is my first public speech and I think it turned out amazing.

Isn't it nice to be in a room having lunch with a bunch of people that are just as if not more crazy than you are.

I was sitting with a young u of u student yesterday at the deal forum over in the founders room. This young man explained that he was studying finance along with many other subjects in order to open a business. I asked him for what reason? He said so he could open businesses. I said your not getting the point. What is the reason you want to open businesses? He said because he had lots of ideas. I smiled and asked again what is the reason? He paused confused and didn't know what to say. To make money he guessed. I laughed and said then turn back now. It's not worth it.

We often get lost in the doing and forget the why. Why are we doing this. Is it so we can have sleepless nights thinking about marketing strategies or is it so we can daze off when our friends and family are talking to us, because we are lost in the image of what our idea or company will become.

If you are in this simply to make money turn back there is still time. Go get a 9 to 5 job where you can leave work at work. It's much easier I promise you and it comes with health benefits.

But if you are in this to change the world or help better the life of others. If you enjoy watching others realize their full potential. Welcome to the struggle my friend. You are in the right place. The problem is this can not be done alone. No single person or idea is going to change the world it's going to take a collective. CEO Space is where you will find that collective. Especially with the willingness and helpfulness of the Utah chapter. I welcome the opportunity to sit down and find out how I can help you change the world.

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