Thursday, May 18, 2017



Do you want to have true epiphanies

Not found up an ivory staircase 
 Not accompanied by symphonies
Not a tale of glory and roses
Not of beautiful bodies in suggestive poses

The trial is mucky dirty and filthy
Waist deep in a vile soup of bloated bodies 
Smells burning the eyes and melting skin
Never ending screeches of pain and sin

The path is dark and lonely

Vomit inducing concoction 
Of curdled milk maggoty meats spoiled and rotten
Blended in a rustic clanky blender
Forced down your throat with joy and splendor

Swallow hard don't spill a drop
Smile feel happy elation and hop
The toll paid to this darkest abyss
Will be paid twice more in a World after this

Once enveloped and saturated 
Found guilty and shamed
Standing before the clean and falsely unblamed
That advise and preach of their correctly chosen ways

This is the path to truth and happiness
Acceptance of wretchedness 
Bought by ignorance and bliss

Finding hope in the hopeless
Finding love in the unlovable
Living the unlivable
Suffering the insufferable

Welcome to hell

Where heaven is found

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