Saturday, August 28, 2021

Why It's Kind to Call a Boomer Clueless

 Why It's Kind to Call a Boomer Clueless

This is my opinion, but it's growing tiresome when you hear this same garbage rhetoric spouted out in boardrooms and office meetings. "The millennials are lazy and entitled. They should get another job if they don't like it. They are so whiny. They are sensitive and need to man up." The thing is I honestly think that Boomers have no idea why this is so infuriating.

Before you claim "Not All Boomers" please go to this thread and correct some of your peers. Correct Your Own, Before You Correct Me. 

Let's throw down some statistics for you.

Baby Boomer own 53% of all wealth in the U.S. while millennials control 5%. This is the first time in history since this data has been collected where this massive gap exists. Also, remember that Mark Zuckerberg holds 2% of that 5%.

Now before you claim that it's because millennials are lazy and need to work harder. You need to realize that the majority of wealth is held in real estate. This is simple to do when you could buy a single-family home for $89,500 in 1989. Buy a few of them and you have quite a nice retirement and income from rentals. Today that same single-family home is $329,000. That's a 268% Increase!! Rent wasn't any better, you could rent a place for $424 a month in 1989 which is $1098 today.

Maybe we should go to school and get better jobs?

Oh, wait, we did, the millennials are the most educated generation in history, and we've got the debt to prove it. That same education that we took on your advice that cost you $6,207 a year, cost us $22,000.

During this 200%+ increase in housing and education. We experienced extreme inflation across all goods and services. During this same time, the average income of someone with a Doctorate's Degree went from $57,000 to $97,000, a 70% increase. The minimum wage went from $3.80 to $7.25 in 2009 a 91% increase.

So, before you start to chastise your son or daughter for living in your basement, escaping through video games. Before you bring up participation trophies that your generation provided that make us weak. Before you tell us to "go get another job or career if we don't like it". Before you tell us to "man up or buck up". Before you call us "bitter, whiny, or mean-spirited" for speaking against this insult to injury.

Realize one thing, that the term clueless is far better than exploitative and opportunistic. If you know about these statistics and you still call us lazy, useless, stupid, wastes of space. Then you, my friend are an exploitative opportunistic bastard.

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