Friday, September 22, 2017

Quitting Day 162 (PLUR Life)

5m 12d 22h

PLUR (Peace, Love, Unity, Respect) originated from a  speech by New York's DJ Frankie Bones. The principle is simple and all-encompassing. We need not look further to understand how to get along with our fellow man. The PLUR movement quickly spread through the rave culture and persists in the EDM (Electric Dance Music) culture of today. My own personal journey through PLUR began a year ago at a music festival in Utah called DAS Energi. I would not be the same compassionate, unconditionally loving person I am today without this journey.

I was in a dark state searching for a light. My emotional and mental state was unstable at best. I was on the line between life and death. The desire to die only resisted, because I have three children that I was given the honor of protecting and raising. Their need for me prevented me from slipping into darkness and extinguishing my own light. PLUR gave me the desire to be alive. To live in a moment and allow life's hardships to pass through. It gave me insight to what the greatest that have lived have spoken of. That we are not alive in our past or in our future. That we are only truly alive right here right now. What that means is that the only thing that truly matters is the next second and those that are currently within sight.

We must use love with all those we come in contact with. If we are able to love everyone then we can fully love ourselves, because what we see in them is our perception or projection. We can never fully understand another, no matter the amount of time we spend with them. Even twin brothers raised in the same family have completely different lives. Simply put to love everyone is to love yourself unconditionally. Use love to reach across our differences and embrace those that you feel the desire to hate. Look past their anger and witness their fear and pain. Compassion is the child born from love.

To achieve love for everyone one simply needs to employ unity and respect. We must respect another's wishes and dreams. That their journey such as ours is theirs and they are on the correct path for them. It may vary vastly from what we consider right and correct. We respect that journey and their choices. Unite in your similarities which may only be that you are human and exist. While we respect their journey we must also respect our own and if that includes removing them from our lives in order to continue our journey we must. You can love, respect and be united with those individuals from a distance. This can often be the hardest lesson to learn. Sometimes those we love most are detrimental to our journey or to the journeys of others in our circle. We must listen closely to our own desires and dreams. Follow and trust your instincts, but just because someone is not beneficial for your journey, does not mean that they are not for another. They may be destined to teach lessons while they learn their lesson. We must not attempt to influence other's opinions of another. If we require other's to take a side that simply means we are not trusting our own decision. Also, to take a side would be against unity.

Following the principles of Love, Respect and Unity will lead to Peace. First, it will be peace within and peace of mind with the world around us. At that time you will become a beacon of peace and other's will naturally be drawn to join you. PLUR starts from within and spreads out. Such as an invading force it can not be forced upon anyone and if one attempts to enforce any of these principles then all of the principles are lost. Anything forced will be rejected and will ultimately have the opposite effect.

Please go forth into the next second and ask yourself am I being PLUR?

I Love You All

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