Thursday, July 13, 2017

Quitting Day 93 (Fear)

3m 3d 23h

Fear is a driving force that leads us to many life decisions. Fear can drive us into the arms of another in order to find comfort. It can drive us from the arms of someone offering us love in order to prevent future pain. It can make us hyper vigilant and paranoid when we are caring for our children. Fear can cripple us and prevent us from leaving our house or even our beds to start a day. Fear of failure, being alone or judgement causes us to make decisions in our everyday life. It dictates what we say and what we do.

Where does fear come from? Many fears are learned. My Mother has always been afraid of water, due to this my brother has a crippling fear of water. This is spread subconsciously to others and they spread it subconsciously to others. Like a virus it eats away our lives and causes us to become limp and unmotivated. Fear prevents us from doing what we want. Many have great aspirations, but their fear of being homeless, losing status, going hungry or being ostracized prevents them from taking steps toward their dreams. They remain in a thankless mediocre life to avoid discomfort and judgement.

Most fear is unwarranted and is programed into our minds for a multitude of reasons. To sell us a product, to prevent us from getting hurt or dying, to keep us in line and to allow us to be complacent. Advertising, The Media, Parents and Government have used fear for years to get us to take action or to not take action. We have been molded to fear. Fear is by far the easiest way to get something accomplished or sold. If I convince you that the next presidential candidate is going to take your guns are you going to vote for them? What if you believed that if you didn't use shampoo and conditioner that people would never love you and you would die alone? Fear is a very effective tool in motivation. Ultimately it is a hijacking of the survival mechanisms inside your mind.

Primitive humans needed fear to learn not to approach a lion. It's not surprising that we automatically learn fears from others. Deers are not teaching their young through words to stay away from a bear and they already instinctively know that bears will kill and eat them. These are warranted fears. This is survival. We should fear crossing the road, driving cars, climbing mountains, wild animals and dangerous alleyways. These are beneficial fears. They help us stay alive.

The fear of being alone is driven by our instinct to procreate and care for our young. If we did not have a fear of being alone why would we stay with someone after they hurt us. We would simply move on. We care greatly for our children, because it increases our odds that we will not be alone in the future and will have someone to care for us as we become fragile and old. Some fear being alone because they don't love or even like the person they are and can not stand being alone with that person. Thus they fear it and by some I mean most. We are just really good at faking that we like ourselves. I know I was.

What would happen if all programmed fear was eliminated and true survival fear remained? If the fear of losing out on money because someone stole our idea was gone. The fear of rejection was gone. The fear of being alone was gone. The fear of failure was gone. What if we became this bold? How would that change our lives? How would that change the World? Do you think a world motivated by something other than fear would be better or worse? I think that's a simple answer. Yet we all hold to our fears. We allow them to prevent us from launching into a brighter future. Maybe we should focus on teaching our kids to not be afraid of failure by failing. How about we teach our teenagers to express themselves by using our voices or art with confidence. Let's teach the next generations that greatness comes from taking risks and learning from failure. Let's eliminate fear of being alone by liking our own company. Let's kill judgement with vulnerability. We are more alike than you would think. Let's welcome fear into our lives, so we can overcome it.  Let's not let fear drive the car. Let's allow love to take the wheel and drive us to paradise.

I Love You All

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