Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Quitting Day 86 (My Spark)

2m 26d 0h

Have you experienced that moment when you realize you are doing exactly what you are meant to be doing? When your purpose lays a smooth road out in front of you? Your jaw clenches and the blood starts to rush through your body. Similar to a roller coaster after the long click click click. That moment right before you drop. That is the feeling I had this last weekend. I felt so perfectly fit into my element. I knew exactly what to do next. My ideas came to forwishen. My vision was made into a reality for a beautiful night of dancing and love.

One may ask exactly how do you get to this moment? What are the steps? Can anyone do it? Here is the short answer. Yes everyone can do it. The key is to first identify what you love to do. You'll know it as soon as you have done it. It will be very clear. It becomes the purpose that you are willing give up everything for. That you are willing to go to jail for, starve for, be ostracized for and die for. It's as if your inner intentions have been spewed out all over for everyone to see and you are unashamed. Still very afraid, but you know that you created something great and worth sharing. Everyone's path is different, so the steps are your own unique steps. The only step I can say is a must is commitment. Commitment to your dream. A willingness to burn the boats, so you have to take the island or die. If you are not happy doing what you are doing and know what you love to do. Pull the trigger, Quit today, and have the courage to face being uncomfortable.

Being uncomfortable will breed creativity. You will not find a spark of enlightenment and genius when you are comfortable. The spark will only come when your world is dark and uncomfortable. After all a spark in the brightness of the sun goes unseen. I'm not saying seek out pain, but remove the things that make you comfortably numb. Such as a weekly wage at a job you don't care about. Doing work that gives you no meaning in your life. Find your art, what makes you happy, the thing that makes you smile, that you are excited to share with the world. Go do that. You may starve, you may even become homeless and penniless, but when you stick to it and continue doing what you love you'll find a way to become comfortable doing that and your world will change.  

I Love You All

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