Friday, June 30, 2017

Quitting Day 80 (Purpose)

2m 20d 3h

Purpose. I've heard the word. I understood the meaning, but not until recently did I understand it's power and addictive components. I'd like to start by explaining that my childhood was far from traditional. I grew up with 42 brothers and sisters, 6 moms, a deceased father, and a step father. At the age of 7 I was dosed on two occasions with LSD. I was raped, tortured, beaten, verbally abused, assaulted, forced to preform sexual acts against my will with people I loved, used in child pornography, loved by my family, feed well, clothed decently, supported, and cared for. I know the thoughts, oh he's a member of a polygamist family of course he was abused. You are forgetting my childhood did not follow a tradition. My abusers were my two uncles that did not share the same faith as my parents. Not that faith or belief has anything to do with abuse, but I know the stereotypes so that must be addressed and understood. This may come as a surprise or actually not a surprise at all since the majority of you were also abused. It does not matter the social standing of your family, the country of your origin, your race, your families religious belief, if you come from a single parent home, what your household income was, or anything of that nature. Abuse has been the prevalent massive secret that has been kept from us all.

From speaking with so many and being open I have discovered that the majority of us have been abused. We all know the statistic 1 in 5, okay sure, but that's reported. It does not take into account the unreported cases. Sadly the majority have been unreported. I know mine was. I would venture to guess that about 80 to 90% of people have been abused. How have I come to this conclusion. Easy from talking to people openly and honestly. It is very rare I come across someone who hasn't been abused and if you know me or have met me you know I talk to a lot of people. Let's make it easier for you. Have you been either sexual, physically or emotional abused? Let me guess, yes you have. If you answer yes. What makes you think you are a special case. Still don't trust my estimate? Try this talk to anyone. First tell them about your abuse. Then ask them the question from above. You will find that you'll be hard pressed to find anyone that says no. Give it a try. After all if you did that you would be fulfilling my purpose.

I have a astronomical purpose. One that I can not be realized before I'm six feet under. It will effect the lives of billions. Not over night, not in a year or even 50, but over time it will reach billions of lives that include our children and the generations to follow after them. My purpose is to heal the world. I must be crazy. I must think I'm a God or some kind of genius. Nah, I'm simply an nontraditional man. After all, has the world ever really been at peace? Have we ever truly been healed? Should we keep following the tradition of being ashamed of abuse and repeating it? Tradition is just another of many things used to separate us. No there is no group of super rich powerful mad geniuses that designed us to be separated. We have done this to ourselves. By holding onto the tradition of silence. By not taking the time to figure out who we are and what we value. By following the tradition of doing as we are told.

I am no God, prophet, wise man or genius. I'm simply a nontraditional man that believes that tradition is hindering the greatness inside of all of us. Tradition is preventing the evaluation of new ideas, new concepts, new philosophies and real love. I'm here to write and speak of what I've discovered. What my path is. The roads I've been down. In hopes that you will stop following tradition or normality. Which is just a path of others and our ancestors. I want to show you that you can blaze the trail that you want in the forest of reality. Others may follow your path and hopefully they do and then in turn create their own off of yours. Let's discover something new in this infinite reality. Not searching through the bones of those that came before us. If the end result was the reality we live in now. Those old systems and traditions have failed.

Since I am no God, prophet, wise man or genius. I know that I can not do this alone. I'm simply going to attempt to be the butterfly wing that changes the future. I pray and beg you to also be butterfly wings. Open up, accept your past, accept your pain, remember you are not alone. I beg you to speak. The person you are speaking to may need validation that they are not alone and that they belong. You may just save their life. You could also continue to follow tradition or old systems, but while you are not reinventing the wheel. I'm going to fly away on my hoverboard.

I Love You All

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