Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Quitting Day 78 (F#ck It I Quit)

2m 18d 2h Saved: $281.82

The universe has been sending me a message the last year and I think I'm finally getting it. What does it take to become great or to create greatness? We all have a tendency for comfort. Yet it is only when we are uncomfortable that we find solutions and create. Similar to a drug addict we have become complacent with the unhappiness our 9 to 5 jobs are bringing us. Our spirits are being crushed, so slowly that we don't even notice. Our hearts are like a frog being brought to a boiling death. In our quest to refrain or rid ourselves from what's considered embarrassing and uncomfortable we have lost everything. Our creative spirit, our untamed hearts and our love of adventure are dying.We have traded freedom and thrill for comfort and security.

I've tried to land a decent 9 to 5 job with benefits. I thought I was done with the entrepreneur world after running a business for 14 years. The stress, long hours and never ending thought process coupled with immense emotional distress from repressed memories and divorce had finally beaten me down. I was ready to give in and work a so called regular job, because at that time I needed some comfort and security. A year ago I had neither. My world was spinning faster than an fidget spinner in the hands of an ADHD kid. What I wouldn't have given at that time to have a little security. Alas because of my educational background I couldn't get my foot in the door. I even applied at companies I worked for in the past. No one would hire me. Had I become a poria of sorts? Had I done something public that made me unhirable?

I'm not sure, but what finally happened is I started to get my act together and make plans for new ventures. I happened upon an amazing network of cooperative capitalists named CEO Space International. When I attended one of their meetings I felt like I was home and understood. Where had these people been hiding. The chapter president was one of the most brilliant minds I had ever met. I wanted to know how she had made such an amazing group, so I joined up I became a Club President and ask her to be my mentor.

I also discovered raves a little less than a year ago. I always thought it was just a bunch of kids looking to get high and screw one another, but I was so wrong. Their was so much acceptance at these events and the music made you move. I must have given out 300 hugs that first weekend at my first rave. There is a beautiful movement amongst ravers that the public has yet to see called PLUR (Peace, Love, Unity and Respect). I was fascinated. I've been to many raves/ festivals since and these odd ravers really do live by this mantra. I've never been offered so much water in my life and if you want to see how helpful and loving they are. Turn the flashlight on your phone on and point it at the floor. Watch as dozens clear the area and ask you what you are looking for. I have never seen a fight and we are talking about events of 20,000 plus. It's almost unbelievable.

In short my Mind had found a home with CEO Space and my Heart with Raves. I decided I was going to do something different I was going to find my way doing what I loved. The only reason I decided to do this is because I never found a job. I'm now on my way. I'm publishing a poem/ art book, an autobiography, throwing my first underground rave, planning my second, throwing a rave designed to create a safe place for children to enjoy EDM (Electric Dance Music), helping people achieve their idea of success through CEO Space, developing apps I had always just thought of and helping friends with their ideas. I still think sometimes of giving up and continuing the search for a regular secure job. Until the last couple of days. I watched a video by Tony Robbins. The part that stuck out was "If you want to take the island. Burn the fucking boats". The boat is the regular job. the secure job. Then I heard a song I didn't really like, but the lyrics were meant for me to hear. What struck me cold was the part on failure. Failure is a teacher and it will take you to your dream. Never forget that. You can watch the speech and the music video below. The universe has spoken and it has come acrossed clear "Jacob, Fuck a regular job. Go realize your dream no matter the cost".

I Love You All

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