Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Quitting Day 71 (Let's Make Something New)

2m 11d 20h

There seems to be a collective movement of change flowing through mankind. A movement toward cooperation, acceptance, creativity and love. Pay attention to Facebook posts, to articles posted on blogs and people you come across in your daily life. You will see it. I feel it in the air. As if we were all children fighting over the new toy in the house and now we have become stunned at our actions and we are working together to make sure that everyone is okay. There is a realization that the Earth is plentiful. That we need to come together to sustain life. Our fighting and fear has lead to hate and anger. Let's take back what we are all guilty of and forgive those that wronged us. Let's fall in love. Not with a particular person or group of people. Let's all fall in love together with everyone. Let's start by falling in love with ourselves. Then we can in turn fall in love with every single person we met. Let's meet anger with concern, fear with comfort and sin with love.

It feels as if we are preparing for a historic shift. Aliken to the Renaissance, The Age of Discovery. We are collectively ready to grow into something more meaningful and beautiful. Has this world finally hit rock bottom? The only way now is up and by up I don't mean back. We have a tendency to follow the systems of the past. Why!? because it's easy. the road is paved the path is well traveled. The signs all point us to which exit to take. Where we should merge. What lane we can be in. It's time that we forgo the warnings. That we burn the bridges on these well traveled paths. Let's get out of our cars and walk into the wilderness. Let's reach places unseen by humanity. We need no leader this is a journey of self discovery through which a brighter tomorrow will come. For now wonder through the dark wilderness. Allow the cold rain to pour onto you. This discomfort will make you strong and unstoppable. Find the spark of light in the darkness and bring it with you to the fire. The fire that will call all humankind to it's side. This fire will comfortably warm us all. It's light will allow us to see each other for the first time. It will be brighter than our projections.

Welcome to the new age. An age of creativity, freedom, acceptance, unity, peace and above all love. Welcome to the age of PLUR.

I Love You All


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