Monday, June 19, 2017

Quitting Day 69 (Greatness Starts Within)

What defines greatness? What does it mean to you? I know everyone feels it, but how does one measure it. Is greatness defined by the wealth you accumulate. Will an endless amount of friends prove that you are in fact great. Does the realization of greatness come on like a bolt of lightning or does it seep into your pores slowly over time unseen? Did the greats such as Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Bob Marley, Mother Teresa, Princess Diana, Jesus or Muhammad realize they were great before they passed on. What qualities accompanied their greatness?

To me the most accurate measurement of greatness is compassion. If you can love, forgive and care for those that have strayed. The ones that are deemed unlovable. Marked as bad, unwanted, undesirable and a lost cause. If you can find love for the least of us than you have achieved greatness. No matter your wealth, your popularity, your fame or your success you will remain empty until you have experienced the overwhelming sensation accompanied by the desire to suffer so others can feel loved and accepted. The willingness to even die for a stranger.

How is greatness made? What are the key ingredients? Do you have to be brilliant to be great? I believe greatness lies within all of us. We are all individually great at something. The issue is we are competing not cooperating. We live in a World where you must beat the competition in order to achieve success. You must fight for your place and status. Imagine a world where we didn't fear our weaknesses and accepted our abilities. Where everyone was pushed to achieve in the field they were best in. A world where kindness and sacrifice were rewarded. Where we are all working together to achieve a better future.

One thing all the great ones I mentioned earlier had in common is that they did not play the game. They saw a kinder way. A more loving path. Their greatness was not built on the downfall of others. They inspired change by simply being that change. They understood that we are all roommates on this planet and we are all equally valuable. Their love inspired generations. Were they in it to get rich, for fame, for glory, for praise? No they worked for the betterment of all humankind. Martin Luther King had a dream that we would all walk hand in hand. Bob Marley sang of one love. Mother Teresa treated  everyone one with dignity and respect no matter their background. Princess Diana fought for charity of all people. Jesus asked us to love the unloveable. Muhammad preached compassion even to those that persecuted him.

To me it's easy to see. One's capacity to love is true greatness. The kindness and understanding we show others is a reflection of the kindness and love we have for ourselves. If you see hate and find other despicable or unworthy it is simply a reflection of our own insecurities. The first step to becoming great is forgiveness and the first person you need to forgive is the one in the mirror. They have been awaiting for you to simply accept that you are worthy of love and acceptance. That person in the mirror has been waiting for you to tell them that no one is better than them. That they are the most important person in your world. That amazing survivor in the mirror will take it from there and show others the same compassion and understanding you show them. Now go apologize for being so short sighted and for ignoring the greatest person you'll ever know. Yourself.

I Love You All

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