Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Quitting Day 57 (Happiness and Love??)

1m 27d 21h

Have you missed me readers? I've missed you. I've run into a form of writer's block. It's interesting that if you give me pain and suffering I can't stop writing. Give me love and joy and I'm blank, speechless and dumbfounded. I guess I should just change my name to Optimist. Life has been amazing. I love my career. I've found a beautiful woman that loves me and sees greatness within me. My friends are plenty and kind. I feel blessed. I've reached the top of the mountain taken in the view of the multitude and have decided to join them in a life of happiness. I'm strolling toward them with a warm smile on my face.

This morning Brother Ali's Own Light song came on my player. I was struck with visions of this last year and half. A vision of my Rave Fam's faces as we enjoyed the dance late into the night. My heart began to overflow. I cried and thought about how lucky I was to enjoy those moments. I've been through so much over the last five years and I never thought I would see the light again. The darkness was my new world. Pain, suffering, loneliness and agony my permanent shipmates on my journey down the river flow of life. The only constant was the raging waters of change. During moments of joy in that time I would be gripped with fear of what was coming. A pending dark rain cloud of doom seemed to hover over my head. This cloud with small breaks of light went on forever with no end to the storm in sight. In this dark cold storm I found something special, something unimaginable. A bright light was glowing on the surface of the water. It's source was from me. The light was breathtaking and awe inspiring. As the rain and hail beat down on my face and naked body I focused on the darkness. I accepted it and welcomed it home. I acknowledged it's existence and found the source of the dark cloud over head. Just like the light on the surface of the water the ominous cloud was a reflection of my subconscious painted across the sky. Upon this realization I found love for every aspect of me. I appreciated the clouds above for teaching me how to love and be compassionate. I thanked the light on the water for remaining with me through it all. Fear and stress poured out of my eyes and skin. The drops returned to the waters of the universe below. The clouds above opened to a bright baby blue and the sun kissed my cold body warming me inside out. Pain, suffering, loneliness and agony now my best of friends. They invited their companions onto my ship of life. I beckoned them aboard and greeted them each individually. Hello Joy. Hello Happiness. Hello euphoria. Hello Kindness. Hello Love. It's nice to meet you I've heard so much about you, welcome.

I Love You All

Photo Credit: https://pixabay.com/en/users/WenPhotos-1798295/

Brother Ali: Own Light 

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