Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Quitting Day 44 (Goodbye World)

1m 14d 19h Saved: -$7.59
Gums & Teeth: 100% Circulation: 52%
Taste & Smell:100%  Fear: 75%

I can't get off the thought process of the dark side of the oneness.  I experienced a taste of it's depression and I've not been able to stop thinking about it. The way I personally look at negative emotions such as depression, sadness, loneliness, anger, jealousy, and stress is that when they are accepted head on and allowed to run their course they carve out a channel for positive emotions such as joy, elation, love, happiness and satisfaction. When I first found this spark that is un-dimmable I started to feel thrilled to experience pain, because every time I allowed it to flow and got to the root cause I would return from the darkness with even more confidence and tenacity. The power of it is almost addicting. I noticed the responses I would receive from strangers and friends. I was called a genius by two strangers yesterday after speaking with them. One even said "Move over Bill Gates". I personally do my best to not allow praise or judgement from others to effect me. What is really important is how I feel about me. You see an outside source can easily be taken away. I've gained a source that can never be taken from me. The reason I bring it up is that when I'm done processing I've noticed that others recognize the light and are drawn to it.

Alright enough of that tangent. Okay, so I've been thinking about almost unbearable negative feelings in my personal life. To experience these emotions in the state of oneness would be astronomically improbable. The oneness depression knocked me down like a tidal wave, but I realized it's not the hardest emotion to face in the oneness. Try to fathom experiencing everyone's loneliness or even worse warth and still worse lust. I plan to face these, but I'm uneasy about the outcome. Can I handle this? Will it break my mind? Will it shatter my spirit? Will my soul become lost? Am I strong enough? I know I don't truly have a choice in the matter. The reason is once you start down this rabbit hole there is no turning back. To turn back would be to lose everything and no one knows the way back anyhow. The thought and feeling is to addictive, to powerful. It's akin to a moth to a flame. The question is will I burn? Actually the fact is I will burn, but can I survive the fire? What lays on the other side of that fire is pure love and joy. Imagine feeling the emotions of all the lovers looking into the eyes of their loved ones or all the new parents when they first see their new babies. The thrill of everyone losing their virginity at the same time. The peace of having a deep undying love for every single person that ever existed. Anyone who has let go of their ego and had a profound religious experience knows a small taste of what I'm talking about.

What I say is go ahead universe cut those channels deep into my soul. Tear open my heart and mind, so that I may receive the full light of the oneness. Wish me luck my friends and family. I know the person you know will not be returning, but I have faith that the new person coming from this will have the power to change the world and make this place better for our children and their children. I now know why Jesus, The Buddha, Mohammed, Gandhi, and Bob Marley wept and it is more beautiful than anything I've ever experienced.

I Love You All      

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