Tuesday, May 2, 2017

My Bio

Many ask what I do to feed my children, blogging doesn't quite cut it. Go figure. This is my bio for what I do for a living and it's luckily one of my great passions. After years of struggling to get out of bed I wake up excited to work toward my dream and help those working toward theirs.

I'm honored that I have been invited to join CEO Space International (www.ceospaceinternational.com) to help them grow and support one of the fastest growing chapters. I will be taking on the role as a Club President alongside the brilliant Sandra Fan – the current CEO Space Utah State Director in serving the Salt Lake City / Wasatch Front region, to help business owners and entrepreneurs achieve their vision of success by connecting them into the collaborative and powerful CEO Space community and network.

It thrills me to watch people and ideas grow into their fullest potential, especially those ideas and projects that will make a positive impact on the world. I'm excited that to have this dynamic platform to harness my own unique creative and problem solving abilities to support business owners and entrepreneurs, not only for the Utah Chapter but also its national network. I’m truly looking forward to utilizing the masterful skills I've gained over years of experience in business and personal growth – practicing hands-on analytical problem solving, marketing, sales, strategic planning, innovation, employee recruiting & loyalty, client relations, psychological & sociological theory.

I'm a proud and tenacious dreamer, poet, blogger, writer, business consultant, philosopher and creative art appreciator. I came a long way in my life from dumpster diving for food to an innovative industry leader that placed everything on the line and paid the price. I'm humbled and proud to be here to contribute my part in helping change the world through synergistic and applicable techniques. The sky is the limit and I'm aiming for the boundless possibilities the universe has to offer. Join me as we change the way business is done through cooperation and collaboration to brighten the future with our compassion for all humankind. 

If you have a business, product or idea that can change the world for the better let me know. Let's meetup and see what help I can offer with my vast network and experience. Email me at strack.jake@gmail.com

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