Saturday, April 15, 2017

A Simple Wish

A Simple Wish

Be it that I could sacrifice my life
to change your heart to understand the pain of many 
and to realize their pain 
is simply a reflection of your own.

I could see no nobler a cause.

I would stretch my throat toward you with love in my eyes 

and with gladness in my heart. 
No fear of death would be present in that moment.

For I know my life was given 
so others could accept and feel their sorrows. 
The tears you shed after this day will warm my heart and feed my soul. 
They will be the well from which I will live on.

Release me from this mortal chain. 
Free my conscious energy to float amongst all that I hold dear and near to me.
 Allow me to join the night sky. 
To become one with the nurturing Mother.

Let my atoms spray across the mountains 
and the vast plains. 
Joining the rivers as they flow to the deepest depths of the ocean. 
Set my energy free.

Allow my fleshy companion to become one with the mud and dirt. 
To nurture the tree 
that bears It's fruit for you to feed your body 
and to strengthen your mind.

Although you will not see me again.
 I will always be present. 
My blood will be one with the water you drink. 
My body will be one with the fruits and meats you eat.
My soul will become one with all that you see. 
I will remain a part of you for eternity. 

My love, my compassion will unravel the walls built by your hate and anger.
My light will shine through you 
as you release your blade and it falls to the Earth. 
I give you my life on this day to help you see the love I have for you.
This being the only gift I have to offer. 

Release me to release yourself 
from the blindness you have that prevents you from accepting your true nature. 
That stops you from giving your soul the love
 you so freely give to others.

This is my simple wish. 
Make it quick and clean, 
so that I will not suffer in my death 
as I have in my life.

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