Friday, September 8, 2017

Quitting Day 150 (Disaster Strikes)

4m 30d 0h

Texas is under water. Florida is about to be decimated by the strongest hurricane Floridians have ever seen.  Fires continue to destroy archers of land in the Northwest. Mexico has been shaken to their core. Nearly 300,000 flee Myanmar as violence erupts. The world seems in disarray and doomed to destruction. As those fortunate to be out of the path of these disasters send aid, prays, support and money.

We hear of these because they are visually destructive we can see the aftermath. We can see the pain. We can witness and hear the horror. We imagine ourselves in one of these disasters and we can identify with the pain we see. Although most have never experienced anything like them personally, we feel their heartache and desperation. We are willing to help out where ever we can. Fundraisers pop up everywhere. Governments take action. The armies and navies move from being defensive and offensive to being supportive. Everyone comes together to help. This is awe inspiring. The movement to action. The swiftness one is willing to sacrifice time and money to ease the suffering. We know that we will never make these victims whole again. Yet we show our support and praise them for their tenacity to survive.  

You see the buildings lay spread a crossed the grounds. The smoke from the fires blots out the sun. The waters turned black from pollution. The vomit inducing odor of putrid dead bodies fill the air. There is nothing but silence as we wait on the roof tops to be saved by someone with a boat or helicopter. Here is the problem no one is coming to save you. The national guard will not be deployed. The Governments of the world stand by doing nothing. Those commissioned to support and protect you are the scariest of all. They look at you like scum. As you ask for help they tell you to get a job, to go exercise, to get up and stop acting like a baby, cheer up and smile they say, because no one even knows of this disaster. They don't see the path of destruction. The smell of rotting bodies eludes them. They seem to walk on the flood waters you drown in. You are left isolated and alone. This disaster is in your imagination. It's in your head. The fire of this disaster was lit decades ago when you were an innocent child. The land mines of these disasters were planted thousands of years ago by your ancestors.

Welcome to the disaster of mental illness and substance abuse disorder.  There are 200,000,000 people worldwide suffering from substance abuse disorder of which 90% suffer from mental illness. Approxemently 3,000,000 people die due to drug and alcohol use annually. With a death toll annually 1000 times that of  September 11th. Where is the support for this disaster? Where are the fundraisers? Now I'm not saying that we shouldn't help victims of disaster, but we have an epidemic and I simply wonder do we need to lay 3 million dead bodies in the street with their families crying over their them for us to take action? To have a fundraiser?

Trauma is the main cause of mental illness with the largest cause of trauma being sexual abuse. Reported that up to 84% of people suffering from mental illness were sexually abused as children. This may not be a visually stimulating call to action. We actually don't ever want to see it. Yet we will all watch as people jump from the world trade center.

Alright, you may be thinking "Yeah I agree this is a problem, but what can we do about it". It's actually simple start talking about your pain and suffering. The first noble truth is life is suffering. It's not about not suffering, but suffering well. If we allow others to see our flaws, our weaknesses and our suffering it diminish isolation. Isolation being the singular largest cause to drug and alcohol use. Speak up about your abuse. Stop pretending that nothing ever happened to you. I can tell you from a thriving survivor of sexual abuse we know already and guess what you aren't alone and it's not your fault.  

I love you all

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