Sunday, May 14, 2017

The First to Love

The First to Love

Before I could see
You loved me
As I fell and I stumbled
As I groaned and I mummbled

As I slurred my word
When I couldn't be heard
When I was covered in shit
As I cursed and I spit

You loved me smothered in mud
As I regregittarrd my cud 
When I was awkward and weird 
All my success you cheered

Your love I could not match 
Labeled me with the wanted sash 
No one will love me deeper
The closest I find I'll name her keeper

Kiss my boo boo once more
Stroke your fingers through my hair
Hold me as I cry
Linger as you say goodbye

Your acceptance gave me insight
Your calm spirit gave me light
From your womb is where I begun
That my friends is where is started from

Today we celebrate you
I'll do that every day until I'm through
Your love for me there is no equals
I'll spread it amognst all the peoples

All I see all I do
It's all because of the love from you
Grateful not a strong enough word
For the first I loved and adored 

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