Friday, May 12, 2017

Quitting Day 32

1m 2d 21h Saved: -$70.95
Pulse Rate: 100% Taste & Smell: 100%
Energy Level: 100%  Entranced: Completely

My apartment alike to my former self lays empty and dark for a week as I spend every waking moment without my children in the arms of my new found glorious life. I've become the movie of tenacity and endurance. I faced the demons found inside my psyche. I realized the power inside myself to survive and then thrive in life. How to reprogram my subconscious. How to control the filter between my conscious and subconscious realms. I'm on my way to the road of glory. Where all my unknown dreams become reality. I've found control over my universe and it all starts from within. The switch has be flipped turning me from victim into a powerful tool of love and compassion. The road was long lonely and at times I became desperate, in my time in the dark I found something that can never been stolen. Will not be diminished by words or actions from outside myself.   Will never leave me. I found the mindful sweet smile that shines brightest in the sunshine, but can only be discovered in the twilight when one has become blind and so riddled and wrapped   in agony that death seems the only path out. I found God in that moment. Not the magic man in the sky or the universal energy following through everything seen and heard in this reality. I found the God that drives you forward to find your true self. The higher power that has remained dormant inside your spirit. That silently waited for you to discover it. The only way to find this God from within is to silence everything by accepting it's existence and in that silence a whisper will come to you filling your heart with love for everyone and a appreciation in your soul for everything. A realization in your spirit that although we are insignificant that the universe and the culmination of  super novas and destruction of planets was a show for you to allow you to appreciate the feeling of your lover's soft lips on your neck. It was all for you to be alive. To feel the deep despair of loneliness. The over flowing energy from the burning of you and your twin flames entanglement. It was all for you. The entire infinite time line that has no beginning and no end was all made for you to ride upon in your moment to be alive. You will return to that flow one day and understand it once more, but for now go get lost in life, so you may be found.

I love you all    

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