Thursday, May 11, 2017

Quitting Day 31

1m 1d 22h Saved:-$79.18
Risk of Heart Attack: 1.75% Risk of Lung Cancer: .87%
Coughs & Wheezing:23% Gratefulness: 100%

What an amazing time to be alive. The heavy darkness of the past is clearing and the sun kissing my skin feels all the better due to my suffering. I'm blessed and it all started with realizing and accepting the dark and the light. I can't urge my readers enough to open up and allow your fellow mankind to see the darkest moments in your life. I've spent my life feeling alone, misunderstood and unwanted. These emotions all came from me. Not from others. Life is about opening up and living. Stand emotionally naked before your fellow kind and find love and acceptance.

My love grows deeper and deeper everyday. I see the sunset and sunrise in your eyes. From the moment I wake and the moment I die to the twilight of the night I think of you. My heart is full and overflowing. Who wants a hug? My fear of what could happen is subsiding. I no longer recoil from the great power that lays within my mind and soul. I have arrived and the world will never be the same. Welcome my friends and the children that have been trapped inside your souls. It's been so long. I've missed your sweet smiles and your laughter. My heart flows stronger and stronger from your touch and improbable dreams. That together we will make a reality. A reality unseen by this world of distress. Join me and let's create heaven on Earth. Let's unite in our love and find peace through our celebrated respect for what you have become by overcoming your adversities and trials. That made the wondrous soul and spirit that lays naked in front of me. I see your heart and the tears of my overflowing love are running down my face. I have never witnessed anything more beautiful. Welcome home children.

I love you all    

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