Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Quitting Day 29

29d 19h 25m Saved: -$43.07
Gums & Teeth: 100% Circulation: 35%
Gum Texture: 33% Ambition: 200%

There is something about putting on a well built custom made suit. When I slid my arms into the silky smooth fabric of the jacket I felt it. I wanted to scream out "Get ready world. I've arrived bitches". My girlfriend was there to witness it. She got off work early just to be there as a matter of a fact. I don't know if I've ever felt so powerful and sexy. She couldn't keep her eyes off of me. In that moment I felt as if I could do anything and have anyone. I'm so excited to co host my first luncheon with my mentor. The women that have come into my life this last year are beyond powerful. They handle this world with a grace and poise that is unmatched. Their intelligence baffles me. I do miss the comfort and safe haven that my marriage brought to me, but now standing strong in this gray suit with a beautiful brilliant insightful woman lusting over me I feel grateful. My marriage needed to end. My time and love was completely focused on my former wife. She needed me and I her. We completed each other and that is no way to be. Our pieces filled each others voids and we were lost in the other. Together my former wife and I made one complete person. I know better now. My girlfriend and I are complete people independant from the other and complimentary. We push each other with appreciation to reach new heights. Working together we are going to change the world and spread love and compassion.

I came up with a great line for a poem last night and I'm sure you'll be seeing it soon. "We are not filling the pieces of our complete hearts, but we are making them overflow". God the feeling of being wanted is overwhelming at times. I still catch myself worried about how it will end. The programming inside my subconscious is strong, but I'm stronger. If it ever ends it's going to be worth every bit of pain. Even a day with her would be worth an eternity of agony. I'm so disgustingly in love right now and I become more nauseating everyday as my love for her grows deeper and deeper. I want everyone to feel this way. You all deserve it. The path to this is long and difficult but it is worth the blisters on your heart and the pebble in the sole of your spirit. For when you reach this peak you will find a glory beyond anything you have ever felt. Go out my friends find love within you, so you can fully love someone else. This reminds me of the quote on my father's grave stone written by him "I never said the path home would be easy. I only said it would be glorious".  

My book is coming along and I'm excited to share it with all of my readers. I claimed another childhood moment yesterday. I would go into details, but you'll have to wait for the book to read it, sorry. I'm ecstatic about being a part of CEO Space International. When I'm with the people in this network I feel as if I've come home. I never thought I would find so many like minded people. They are achieving greatness and spreading their knowledge for other to join in and save this world of ours. I couldn't be more blessed to count myself amongst them. My book takes president over this and yes even my love. Reading through what has poured out of me has made me realize this book will help so many. I'm finishing it no matter how hard it will be to write. I'm willing to lose everything to make this book available. This book is bigger than me. I'll make a deal with everyone. If I get 10 comments below I'll post chapter 1 for everyone to read. I want a discussion on my blog. You have been silent too long readers. I want to hear from you. I want to make sure I'm not just sending my words out into a vast black hole or data. I'd also love to hear your story of survival. You can email me directly if you'd like or post it in the comments, if you dare. You'll find as I have that when you open and accept the power of vulnerability that you are not alone in your struggles. You are one of many and we all suffer immensely in silence, because we are afraid that we are the only ones.

I love you all


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