Thursday, May 4, 2017

Let Me Off This Nightmare

Let Me Off This Nightmare

There is a conflict a battle at hand
It seems to reach full enlightenment one must ignore the physical self
My spirit struggles to control the mind
My mind fights to control my spirit

Two very powerful energies trapped inside a singular vessel
The spirit wants to live in the now blissful and carefree of all endeavours
The mind wants to plan for the future using examples of the past to protect
and sustain the body and my offspring

Is it possible to have both enlightenment and live in the current monetary system?
Yes, enlightenment would bring joy and an end to suffering,
but would also mean an end to all that I possess
What is it that I possess and have been granted to protect?

My children?
My body?

What's needed to protect my children and body?
Is a home, a car, clothing, shoes and food protection?
What are we protecting them from?

I understand that they, like my body,
must be protected from starvation, exposure and thirst
What of our spiritual selves?
Our emotional selves?
Must I protect those as well?

From what I can see all these things can easily be provided for?
Alas a system designed and established long before my time
A system that put our minds and spirits at war since birth
A system which only benefits a few while causing struggle amongst the many
Sadly even the few are in this war inside themselves as well

What is it that has us holding to this system?
The monetary system causes nothing but pain
Yet we hold firm to the idea that it's the best system available
When will all the eyes of the world open and see we don't have to continue this war

We are fighting this never ending battle
For no reason and no purpose
Maddening insanity is the road we have traveled down
and we are to afraid to get off.
I urge you to open your mind to the realms of possibilities
To consider an alternate path

With enough of us we can change this World
Look into resource based economies.
It's strange at first but you'll find that it is the path to finally ease the mind and soul
To fuel our spirits, to finally find peace and abundance

Learn More:

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