Monday, May 8, 2017

Quitting Day 28

28d 19h 41m
Pulse Rate: 100% Oxygen Level:100%
Carbon Monoxide Level: 100% Drunk in Love: 100%

Have you ever played a videogame, heard a song or eaten a tasty meal that was so good you only wanted to hear, eat or play it for the rest of your life. I know I have and although it fades eventually it always remains as one of your favorite things. That is how I feel about her. I don't need her, but I want her next to me constantly. I'm stronger and more confident when she is with me. The odd thing is it's only been 3 weeks. I've heard the advice "You don't know someone until at least 6 months". This is different. It feels as if we were separated a long time ago and we have simply found each other again.

I have an interesting thought. When it comes to finding your twin flame there is an important first step both parties must take. I feel your twin flame is a spirit that was connected to you before the big bang. The chaos of that explosion separated you from this other spirit. In the cosmic energy dimension there is no defining separation. Let's think about it this way. As a water particle how do you find another water particle in an ocean.  We have taken a physical form for one purpose to find this twin flame, but in taking on a powerful physical form we lose sight of ourselves. It's like pressing the reset button and waking up trapped inside a vessel that has it's own agenda & needs and you have no memory of your agenda. You must first become your true self to find this twin flame. How else would you recognize each other?

It's as if until you are truly yourself you are wearing a mask. No one can see past that mask. We do not choose to wear these masks. The mask is the physical self that has grown in strength as we become older. It has become so strong it drowns out the spiritual self. The physical self and spiritual self can coexist, but it is a fine dance that has to be perfected. We may have strong physical connections with others and the emotions and feelings stemming from this are confusing and can be convincing enough to make the spiritual self accept a false flame.

The physical self isn't the only one causing confusion. The spiritual self has existed for an eternity in a realm that does not know suffering or ego. When confronted with the physical realm which goes hand in hand with suffering the spiritual self causes confusion by pushing us to not accept and numb the feeling of being alive. Alas this is a rejection of ourselves since it is a rejection of energy, which is a part of us. In order to become your true self living in a physical body you must accept pain and be grateful for it. You must love it. It is a part of you and if rejected it will allow the physical self to take complete control. In order to be a fully conscious spiritual being living inside a physical body you must accept and love everything and everyone.

It's all very confusing mentally to try and accept that you can have a twin flame that is both a part of you and yet can be lost and is separate from you. We have a short amount of time in the physical realm. It's interesting to think we go on this long journey of living to hopefully find our twin flame and eventually lose them again when we pass. Only to repeat the process again. We go through so much just to have a small moment a blink of an eye inside of an blink of an eye. That small moment is worth it. That is why we do it again and again. We can make this easier. We can teach future generations to have love for one another. We can teach them to respect each other. We can show them that through celebrating our differences we can find unity. That using these tools will bring peace to the chaotic physical realm. After all we may be in the future looking for our twin flame again. These teachings will make it easier to find them and will allow us to have a longer moment in the blink of an eye inside of that blink of an eye we call life.

I love you all

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